Upcoming Events

STRIKE online complementary training
- Maynooth, Ireland
Chair: Diego Montagner
Complementary training on Innovation & Research Commercialisation.

Summer School: Magnetic nanocarriers
- Olomuc, Czech Republic
Chair: Václav Ranc
Summer School about "Magnetic nanocarriers: Synthesis, functionalization, and biomedical applications".

More events
A series of international events, including summer and winter schools for specialized training, as well as training events.
Past Events

3rd Scientific Progress Meeting and Winter School
- Vienna, Austria
Chair: Claudia Kuntner-Hannes
The third scientific meeting and winter school will be held in Vienna (Austria) and will be organized by the Medical University of Vienna (MUV).

STRIKE Complementary Training
- Faenza Italy
Chair: Dr. Tommaso Foglia
Complementary training: “European Public Funding schemes for R&D and Innovation and Technology Transfer

2nd STRIKE Scientific and Progress Meeting
- Nantes France
Chair: Dr. Dominique Heymann
Complementary training: Communication and Dissemination.

1st STRIKE Scientific Meeting
- Bologna Italy
Chair: Dr Monica Montesi
Mid-Term meeting between REA and consortium. The first scientific meeting of STRIKE will be held in Bologna (ITALY) and will be organized by National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISSMC).

STRIKE’s kick-off meeting
- Taormina Italy
Chair: Prof. Anna Piperno
27-28 January 2023 kick-off-meeting of EU-funded STRIKE (MSCA-DS) project took place in the beautiful Taormina.