Thank you for your numerous applications (≈180). No more applications will be accepted.
You are encouraged to check the website regularly to be updated on the latest information regarding the STRIKE project. In case of a new open position, this will be advertised here.
PhD “Marie Sklodowska-Curie” Positions
We are looking for 8 ESRs to work on STRIKE—HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01 project. STRIKE aims to develop a research and training network in nanomedicine/precision medicine, rising a new generation of entrepreneurial and innovative multidisciplinary young researchers. STRIKE will provide enhanced career perspectives in academic and non-academic sectors for 8 ESRs in highly innovative fields by interdisciplinary mobility among 12 institutes/companies in 8 EU countries. The selected candidates will receive a gross salary in accordance with the MSCA regulations for early-stage researchers (ESRs). The call will open on EURAXESS on the 8th March 2023- deadline on the 23rd April 2023.
Should you have questions prior to submitting your application, do not hesitate to contact: the project supervisors or
Please, follow the link to apply.
Candidates can be of any nationality. There is no age limit for the candidates.
The applicants, at the time for the application, should not have resided in the country where are applying to, for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Moreover, the applicants must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
STRIKE project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01 No. 101072462. The salary will be very competitive and will include the living allowance (≈ 2680-3615€ gross/month according to the country correction coefficient), the mobility allowance (600€) and optional family allowance (495€).
- 23rd April 2023: deadline for applications
- from 24th April 2023 to 31st May 2023: evaluation of the CVs by STRIKE Sub-Selection Committees and inviting the best CVs for interview (by Skype, zoom, Microsoft Teams etc.)
- June 2023: starting of the procedure for the employment of ESRs, according to the Beneficiary and MSCA rules
- 1st September-31st October 2023: Enrolment in PhD courses according to local PhD rules.
Principles and Criteria for STRIKE Selection
The selection procedure for STRIKE candidates is open, transparent and merit-based, in line with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. Candidates will be selected on the sole criteria of academic excellence with no reference to gender, ethnic origins, sexual orientation, disability or religion. In the event a candidate declines an interview, the next highest scoring candidate may be invited to interview in their place. STRIKE sub-Committee will give time to allow candidates to prepare for the interview (at least 3 working days).
The STRIKE Committee will produce a list of the highest scoring candidates based on qualification and CV (maximum 30 points) and interview (maximum 20 points). The specific criteria and the related score used for the evaluation are described in Table 1.
Criterium | Score | Details |
Formation | 0-10 | Coherence of educational and training of candidate’s CV with the project aims |
CV | 0-10 | Coherence of candidate’s CV (publications, conferences, work experiences etc) with the project aims |
Mobility, Letter of presentation | 0-10 | Previous mobility experiences (i.e, Erasmus, formation abroad, traineeship in countries different from residence) |
Interview | 0-20 | 10 minutes presentation + 10 minutes interview. The Candidate will discuss his/her master’s research project (with share screen function), including a brief project background and aims, and a summary of key results/findings. Moreover, the committee may decide to assign a literature paper or a project as an additional topic for the interview. The interview will be carried out in English. During the interview the language competence will be evaluated. |

Project 1 - University of Messina (UniMe), Italy
Supervisor Prof. Anna Piperno
Development of smart magnetically controlled MNPs (magnetic nanoplatforms) for osteosarcoma treatment. The candidate should have preferably a M.Sc. in Chemistry or related topics.

Project 2 - National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics (CNR-ISSMC), Italy
Supervisor Dr. Monica Montesi
Biological evaluation of new magnetic nanotherapeutics (NanoTher) in 2D and 3D scaffold-based in vitro osteosarcoma models. The candidate should have preferentially a M.Sc. in Biology, Biotech or related topics.

Project 3 - National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland
Supervisor Dr. Diego Montagner
Design, synthesis, characterization and interaction with magnetic nanoplatforms of Pt(IV) pro-drugs selective for osteosarcoma cancer. The candidate should have a M.Sc. or 4 years BC in Chemistry or related topics.

Project 4 - Palacký University in Olomouc (UP), Czechia
Supervisor Dr. Vaclav Ranc
Magnetic nanostructured composites for a targeted drug delivery. The candidate should have a M.Sc. in Chemistry.

Project 5 - Nantes Université (UN), France
Supervisor Prof. Dominique Heymann
Dormant cells in OS: biological characterization and therapeutic targeting. The candidate should have a M.Sc. in Biology or related topics.

Project 6 - Nanotech Solutions Sociedad Limitada (NTSOL), Spain
Supervisor Dr. Francisco J. Teran
Exploiting nanomagnetism for improving intratumoral drug delivery. The candidate should have a M.Sc. in Physics or Engineering or Nanotechnology.

Project 7 - Cogentech Società Benefit S.r.l. (Cogentech), Italy
Supervisor Dr. Nina Offenhäuser
Development of MB based purification of biomarkers from liquid biopsy for early detection of cancer in BRCA+ subjects. The candidate should have preferably a M.Sc. in Biology or related topics.

Project 8 - Medical University of Vienna (MUW), Austria
Supervisors: Dr. Claudia Kuntner-Hannes
Radiolabeling and in vivo evaluation of pharmacokinetics of labeled drugs or drug carriers. The candidate should have preferably a M.Sc. in Chemistry or related topics.