Chair: Diego Montagner

One of the upcoming events within the STRIKE project is the Training on Innovation & Research Commercialisation, which will be hosted by Maynooth University (online) next year in March.

This training is designed to equip our researchers with essential skills to identify the impact of their research, commercialise outcomes, and enhance their ability to innovate. These skills are crucial for fostering an entrepreneurial mindset, effective team interaction, and industry collaboration.
The training will explore several key themes, including:

  • Introduction to Commercialisation of Research
  • Intellectual Property
  • Legal Contracts
  • Spin-Out Companies
  • Technical Marketing & Product Development: Understanding the Impact of YourResearch
  • Interacting with Industry and/or NGOs
  • Business Exercise: Team Building

Upon successful completion, our researchers will be able to identify and discuss the key players involved in the commercialisation process and understand the necessary systems and interactions. They will be equipped to valuate the potential impact and value proposition of their research, navigate intellectual property issues, understand legal obligations and constraints, and handle confidential information. Additionally, they will develop business plans and gain many other valuable skills, making this training an invaluable resource for researchers aiming to enhance their impact, foster innovation, and successfully navigate the commercialisation landscape.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Chair: Diego Montagner