ORCID iD: 0009- 0007-4446-1959

Main supervisor: Dr. Dominique Heymann

Ph.D. programme: Biology and Health

Institution: Nantes Université, Faculty of Science, Biological Sciences and Biotechnologies Unit​

Academic background

  • Master degree:

Chemistry, Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh

  • Bachelor degree:

Biochemistry, University of Bristol

About the researcher

His research focus as part of the STRIKE network is on the cancer stem cell (CSC) niche of osteosarcoma. He aims to develop an ex vivo 3D model of osteosarcoma to characterize the molecular signature of CSCs and utilize magnetic-field responsive nanotherapeutics to treat these often drug-resistant tumor cells. Subsequently, he plans to use an in vivo model of osteosarcoma to further evaluate the effects of the nanotherapeutics.

He chose this PhD project due to the current lack of effective therapeutic agents capable of treating the drug-resistant and immunoevasive CSCs of osteosarcoma. These cells often contribute to metastasis and recurrence after treatment, highlighting the importance of targeting them for cancer remission. He finds CSCs and the tumor microenvironment to be a captivating area of research and considers tackling them crucial in the treatment of malignant tumors. Therefore, he is grateful that the STRIKE network has provided him with the opportunity to be involved in this research.


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