Since its creation in 2005, Cogentech has been working in close collaboration with its institutional founders, namely the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) and the FIRC Institute for Molecular Oncology (IFOM). These two leading biomedical institutions have created an inspiring and competitive working environment where research activities in the field of cancer, molecular oncology and diagnosis could be carried out. Thanks to this unique osmosis between institutions and Cogentech, an important know-how has been developed in the field of genomics, microarrays, sequencing, genome editing and proteomics. Since 2019 Cogentech transited to be a Benefit Corporation with a sole owner, IFOM. Cogentech has an extensive know-how also in the field of diagnostics thanks to its Cancer Genomic Testing unit specialized in hereditary cancer diagnosis. Cogentech offers diagnostic services ( focused on genetic tests for hereditary tumors. Increasing activity is dedicated for genetic testing of tumors for personalized treatment. The knowledge gained will facility the next step, the development of new diagnostic methods based on liquid biopsy, a main objective of Cogentech since 2019.

Dr Nina Offenhäuser is since 2015 technical and commercial manager of Cogentech.

PON MIUR–ARS01_00492 BiLiGeCT (Biopsie liquide per la Gestione Clinica dei Tumori), in collaboration with CINMPIS (UNIME and UNICT), Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), University of Turin, Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo (IOM) e CaReBios srl.

Activities of Cogentech related to BiLiGeCT project:
- Early detection and monitoring of breast and ovarian cancer in patients bearing mutation in BRCA1/BRCA2

- Cell models for drug screening
- Development of in vitro tools to test the functional effect of BRCA gene unknown mutation

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
Thanks to the expertise developed in conjunction with major international research centers such as the IFOM and IEO, Cogentech is able to provide cutting-edge technology services, integrating research, technology and healthcare ( Cogentech’s Laboratory in Catania is 160 m2 newly renovated and fully equipped with brand new instruments for molecular analysis (Illumina Nextseq200, Agilente Tapestation 4150, Biorad QX20 ddPCR system and C100 touch PCR, Diatech Labline Magcore Super Nuclei Acid extractor and QFX Denovix), protein analysis (Biorad gel electrophoresis, Turbo blot-transfer and Chemidoc), histological analysis (microtome, Leica DM44B Fluorescence microscope, LMD7 Laser capture microdissector, Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner) and bioinformatics infrastructure.
Cogentech’s Laboratories in Milan are equipped with Illumna Miseq and Nextseq500, Applied Biosystem capillary sequencers (3730XL and 3500DX,, Lifetechnology Quantstudio 3D ddPCR, Thermofisher 7900 HT fast RT-PCR, Affymetrix Complete GeneChip Instruments, full equipment for Mass Spec and Proteomics (Thermofisher LTQ FT-Ultra and Q-Exactive, Abi Sciex Maldi 4800 TOF/TOF and Triple TOF), and Histopathology instruments such as a Leica ASP300 enclosed tissue processor, a Leica RM2125 RTS microtome, Leica CM 1900 Cryostat and Dual Head DMLB Microscope, a Mouse facility