Company Overview
NTSOL is start-up capital society recently founded on January 2019. The NTSOL’s activities are focused on the fabrication and commercialization of different instrumentation for characterizing magnetic nanoparticles and/or exploiting magnetic nanoparticles their applications. Collaboration agreement with research institutions (CiC biomaGUNE)Customers in Spain, Italy, France, UK, Germany, Portugal
Dr Francisco Jose Teran: Project and Innovation Coordinatorof NTSOL
Design, development, and manufacturing of generators of AC magnetic fields with field frequencies up to 400 kHz with intensities up to 150 kA/m into active cylindrical regions up to 35 mm diameter

Ximenes et al. Advanced Materials 2100077 (2021)
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
Instrumentation for signal analysis, wave generators, and demonstrators of ac/ dc magnetometry, magnetocalorimeters and ac magnetic field generators available for supplying Lab service and visitors. 3D printer.
Five full time employees (three of them fully focused on R+D activities)250 m2 premises for production and R+D actitivies
Innovation products (visit ):
- AC Hyster Series: inductive magnetometers
- AC qSAR Series: magneto calorimeters
- AC GEN : alternating magnetic field generators for in vivo hyperthermia studies.
- Manyetic: interface that manage measurements on AC Hyster Series.
- Calibration: interface that perform calibration adjustments on AC Hyster Series.
- magVisual: interface that performs the graphical representation of AC Hyster Series’s results.